M/s. Vedanta Aluminium Ltd. (formerly known as "Vedanta Alumina Ltd.") has

An eleven-member herd of wild elephants has triggered a row between two state governments, trapped forest officials into taking desperate measures which killed two members of the herd and brought the man-elephant conflict into sharp focus. It all started when an all-female herd of elephants crossed into Andhra Pradesh from neighbouring Orissa in July this year.

Northeast's man- war from both sides

S Diwali approaches, villagers in some parts of I Assam and Meghalaya are buying crackers, but for a different reason altogether.

the Orissa government has withdrawn proposals to create two new elephant reserves in the state. Its proposals to create the South Orissa elephant reserve and the Baitarani elephant reserves under

The Asian Elephant (Elephas maximus) population in Rajaji National Park, north-west India is an important part of India's heritage, but has not been intensively studied until recently. Understanding the population dynamics is important for managers if the population is to remain viable.

declining fertility

there will be no ivory trade in Africa for the next nine years. African countries have reached the first-ever consensus at the conference of parties to the un convention on wildlife. The countries

Bowing into global pressure, auction website eBay has decided to stop online ivory trading. On June 5, 2007, the first-ever online trading ban on ivory was announced in Amsterdam. The website will

In the latest clash in a decade-old war between wildlife rangers and poachers in Kenya, around three wildlife rangers and four suspected poachers were killed in a shoot-out in Kenya's Tana River

The wrongs and rights of ivory sales

FOR anybody who cares about animals, the biggest fixture on the diplomatic calendar is a bunfight that happens every three years to review the working of a convention on the international trade in endangered species, known as cites. At the current gathering, now taking place in The Hague, the sale of elephant ivory has been high on the agenda.
