For 2008, the Carbon Disclosure Project has requested over 3,000 of the world's largest corporations to measure and disclose their greenhouse gas emissions and report their strategies for dealing

On mercury emissions: The US Environmental Protection Agency has violated the Clean Air Act by adopting a cap-and-trade rule that allowed oil and coal-fired plants to purchase credits to cover

The uk's review of technologies and fuels for reducing carbon emissions by vehicles is complete. Chairperson of the review Julia King, while discussing the study in Mumbai recently, claimed that

Coal-fired power plants are taking hits from all sides.

An Australian cemetery has unveiled plans to take the carbon out of cremations by offering new green funerals to help combat global warming.

Washington: China's current carbon emission levels have set alarm bells ringing for environmentalists as they are likely to upset global greenhouse stabilisation efforts.

Climate science tells that the earth is warming as a result of human activities. But considerable uncertainty regarding the precise nature and extent of the risks remains. Economists are needed to develop sensible policies to address these risks, which account for the uncertainties.

Addressing climate change and the economic damage it will likely bring presents policymakers with a dilemma. The benefits of policy action are uncertain and would accrue largely to future generations, whereas the costs of policies run the risk of being more immediate and extensive. At the same time, the costs of inaction are irreversible, potentially catastrophic, and likely to hit poorer countries harder than developed ones.

Do the math: affordable new technologies can prevent global warming while fostering growth. March 2008

A 50% rise in global greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, higher temperatures, with more droughts and storms harming people, crops and buildings; more animal and plant species becoming extinct under expanding farmland and urban sprawl; dwindling natural resources; a billion more people living in water-stressed areas by 2030, with more pollution, disease and premature deaths ahead.
