A centre to showcase new innovations in clean technologies, made by scientists in Finland, will be set up in New Delhi next year.

The air quality index (AQI) is an "index" determined by calculating the degree of pollution in the city (as an average) or at the monitoring point and includes five main pollutants

The acknowledgement of facts is the beginning of wisdom, a Finnish president once said. We already have enough facts about climate change. Now is the time not only to draw conclusions but to act.

Leaders from Bhutan, Norway and Finland, among other countries, today supported Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) chairman R K Pachauri on the glacier melting issue and said the recent attacks on the IPCC and climate change by no means damaged the credibility of the institution or the science.

Von Hippel and colleagues have highlighted the crucial role of users in innovation in different industries and types of products. They describe the innovation process in terms of the distinct domains of knowledge that producers and users possess. Producers have knowledge about technical solutions and users about their needs, the context of use, and their own capabilities as users.

The International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) and the Government of Finland signed an agreement on 15th December on a collaborative project to establish a regional flood information system in the Hindu Kush-Himalayan region.

Areva has come under pressure after a joint statement from safety regulators urged it to revise control systems for its EPR design.

If you thought climate change affects all the nations in the world, you are mistaken. Finland, Russia and others are benefitting from climate change as the climate becomes warmer.

The Finnish government has decided to provide financial assistance of Rs 505 million for biodiversity conservation in Nepal.

An agreement to this effect was signed between Finnish ambassador to Nepal Pirkko Liisa Kyostila and secretary at the Finance Ministry Kapil Dev Ghimire at the ministry on Monday

A research team of a college in Tiruchi has evolved an eco-friendly process for the safe disposal of effluents from the dyeing industry. S Senthil Kumar, who was the lone participant from India at the international conference
