It is a natural sweetener and calorie free. But soft drinks makers don

The revised draft of food safety and standards regulations 2010 released by Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI). These regulations may be called the Food Safety and Standards Regulations, 2010.

These rules may by called the Prevention of Food Adulteration (3rd Amendment) Rules, 2010. They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette except rule 2, which shall come into force after six months from the date of publication of this notification.

The draft of food safety and standards regulations 2010 released by Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI).

This report represents the conclusions of a Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee convened to evaluate the safety of various food additives, with a view to recommending acceptable daily intakes (ADIs) and to preparing specifications for identity and purity.

The monographs contained in this volume were prepared at the seventy-first meeting of the Joint Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)/ World Health Organization (WHO) Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA), which met at WHO headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, on 16

Food processing makes use of various unit operations and technologies to convert relatively bulky, perishable and typically inedible raw materials into more useful shelf-stable and palatable foods or potable beverages. Processing contributes to food security by minimizing waste and losses in the food chain and by increasing food availability and marketability.

An Act to ensure dignified economic and social access to adequate food and other requirements of good nutrition for all residents of the country, at all times, in pursuance of their fundamental right to be free from hunger, malnutrition and other
deprivations associated with the lack of food.

food safety China lists illegal additives China has come out with its first official compilation of 17 illegal food additives used in the country. The banned substances include boric acid, commonly used as an insecticide but also mixed with noodles and meatballs to increase elasticity, and industrial formaldehyde, used in making soap and drains cleaner but also used as a common

Common food additives known as phosphates may help lung cancer tumors grow faster, at least in mice, South Korean researchers reported. Their tests in mice suggest the additives
