IDCF 2014 Intensified Diarrhoea Control Fortnight 28 July – 8 August 2014. Operational Plan for states, UTs and districts.

The number of people who are newly infected with HIV is continuing to decline in most parts of the world. There were 2.1 million [1.9 million–2.4 million] new HIV infections in 2013—a decline of 38% from 2001, when

Approved by the Union Cabinet in 2013 Rs 662.23 crore was released to 29 states/UTs on the basis of appraisal of the programme implementation plan of the states/UTs

Debate in Lok Sabha on National Rural Health Mission and ASHA (uncorrected).

According to this new report released by WHO on July 10, 2014 at the United Nations General Assembly, 38 million people die each year from NCDs (28 million in developing countries), mainly from cardiovascular diseases, cancers, chronic respiratory diseases, and diabetes.

Implementing patient cost sharing in the form of copayments, coinsurance, and deductibles is one of the more reliable methods for reducing health care costs. But imposing cost sharing reduces patients' demand for medical care, which sets the interests of insurers at odds with the interests of health care providers and drug and device manufacturers, who generally benefit when patients use more services. (Perspective)

Question raised in Rajya Sabha on HIV AIDS patients in India, 08/07/2014.

Procedure for review of application of CT and New drugs - Office Order dated 03.07.2014.

BHUBANESWAR: Though Odisha has made considerable progress in reducing infant mortality in the recent years, backward districts continue to be bogged down by high incidence of neonatal deaths despit

Harsh Vardhan, India’s new health minister, has pledged to bring transparency in health-care services and provide health insurance to all citizens. Vardhan, an ear, nose, and throat surgeon by qualifi cation, is touted by
many health experts as the pioneer of India’s Pulse Polio programme. Vardhan, an ear, nose, and throat surgeon by qualification, is touted by many health experts as the pioneer of India's Pulse Polio programme. He has also served as the health minister of Delhi from 1993 to 1998.
