The Special 301 Report is the result of an annual review of the state of intellectual property rights (IPR) protection and enforcement in U.S.

In the past decade, a sense of urgency has started to pervade alcohol regulation in South Africa. The burden of alcohol-related mortality and morbidity is among the highest in the world, and its effects are made worse by persistent socio-economic and structural inequalities. Moreover, alcohol is also a principle risk factor for infectious and chronic diseases, as well as a tenacious barrier to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals. Its consumption and negative externalities have therefore become a public health and development crisis.

This 52-page Election Manifesto 2014 was released by Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) today. Promises to put sustainability and inclusive growth at the centre of all thoughts and actions and take Climate Change mitigation
initiatives with all seriousness and work with the global community and institutions in this regard.

The quest to secure economic growth, after a financial crisis that raised serious questions about capitalism's ability to protect and sustain the wellbeing of populations in rich and poor countries alike, is the overriding political priority for many governments today.

Congratulating the country for its monumental achievement, Dr Margaret Chan, Director-General, World Health Organization, said, “India has shown the world that there is no such thing as impossible.

Under nourishment and anaemia in children - Question raised in Rajya Sabha, 10/02/2014.

Program on pre-term birth is the first inter-institutional program on maternal-infant health and spontaneous pre-term birth sciences in India funded by the Department under the Grand Challenge Program. The total cost of the project is Rs. 48.85crore for a period of 5 years.

The Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation will soon be starting the survey covering 4 lakh non-slum families of the city to include in the E-mamta scheme.

Over the last two years, the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI), a private-public partnership that has reduced polio worldwide by 99% since its launch in 1988, has greatly expanded the coverage of polio vaccination in Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Nigeria—the three countries where polio is still endemic and the success of the GPEI had previously been more limited. In Pakistan, the proportion of the highest-risk districts achieving the target vaccination threshold of 95% increased from 59% in January 2012 to a peak of 74% in October 2012.

Political stability, effective governance and, most importantly, uninterrupted longterm commitments to mainstreaming food security and nutrition in policies are key to the reduction of hunger says this 2013 edition of FAO report on the State of Food Insecurity.
