Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega has called on his cabinet to devise a plan for nationalizing oil imports. The move follows a series of clashes between the government and Exxon Mobil subsidiary

The European Commission on October 15 approved a one-year extension of anti-dumping duties on imports of energy-saving light bulbs from China, despite protests from environmentalists, leading bulb

A journalist recently called me to check if I thought that India had the same food consumer product record as China. He wanted to know if we face the problems that are plaguing Chinese exports of

The government is being severely criticised for the wheat it is now planning to import. Rightly so. India s season for wheat ended a few months ago. When the crop was being harvested the

Mumbai is India's leading generator of e-waste, says the latest study by Toxics Link, an NGO dealing with toxic issues in India. The study Mumbai

It can be said that Union budget, 2007, is high on symbolism and intent. Most people in and close to power acknowledge that something is spoiling booming India s party price rise, agricultural

Energy insecurity is India s latest tryst with her post liberalised destiny. It began in July 2006. Crude oil prices rose to all time peak, at US $79 a barrel. In India, retail prices of petrol and diesel rose, respectively, 59.6 per cent and 78.8 per cen

Key World Energy Statistics contains timely, clearly-presented data on the supply, transformation and consumption of all major energy sources.

Environmental court: Pakistan's Sindh High Court has recently directed the ministry of environment to establish environment tribunals, as required by the Pakistan Environment Protection Act, 1997,

food and environmental safety in the country has been stoked with the centre's decision to ease the quarantine norms for 5.5 million tonnes of imported wheat. The first tender for this was released
