Exposure to household air pollution (HAP) from inefficient biomass and coal stoves kills nearly 4 million people every year worldwide. HAP is an environmental risk associated with poverty that affects an estimated 3 billion people mostly in low- and middle-income countries. The objective of the study was to estimate the number of low-income Americans exposed to potentially health-damaging concentrations of HAP.

This new report published by the the UNICEF Office of Research details both the accelerating global threats to children, as well as the urgent need to incorporate a comprehensive chil

Seventy-five per cent of the houses in the country still use the traditional fuels like firewood and sun-baked cow dung for cooking food.

Likuwapokhari VDC in Khotang district has been declared the Indoor Smoke-Free VDC.

Traffic noise has been associated with prevalence of hypertension, but reports are inconsistent for blood pressure (BP). People’s noise exposure indoors might be essential to ascertain effects and disentangle them from those suspected for traffic-related air pollution.

The number of measurements in indoor atmospheric environment is increasing due to growing number of complaints about the indoor air quality (IAQ). In the past, many such measurements are performed by researchers to test the postulated hypothesis about the effects between the complaints and the sources.

The present analysis included 381 women enrolled in the Study of Women and Babies (SOWB) during 2010–2011, from eight South African villages in the Limpopo Province, South Africa. Indoor residual spraying (IRS) occurred in half of the villages. Questionnaires regarding various demographic and medical factors were administered and blood samples were obtained.

Vehicular pollution is the major reason for increase in asthma cases, say city doctors on World Asthma Day which falls on the first Tuesday of May every year (May 6).

A majority of respiratory physicians in the city say that out of the total number of out-patients, around 50 per cent suffer from asthma. It is a lung disease that narrows the airways thereby causing recurring periods of wheezing, chest tightness, and cough that normally occurs at night or early in the morning.

Despite an improvement in the overall TB cure rate from 40–74% between 1995 and 2011, TB incidence in South Africa continues to increase. The epidemic is notably disquieting in schools because the vulnerable population is compelled to be present. Older learners (age 15–19) are at particular risk given a smear-positive rate of 427 per 100,000 per year and the significant amount of time they spend indoors. High schools are therefore important locations for potential TB infection and thus prevention efforts.

University of Texas at Austin's Cockrell School of Engineering has found that crib mattresses expose sleeping infants to high levels of chemical emissions.
