Lahu Fale does not have to think twice about market availability, price and transportation when it comes to deciding which crops to grow. Now he and other farmers in Pune's Kolwan Valley can sell

the Maharashtra government recently discovered 2.6 million fake ration cards in the state, including 700,000 fake cards in Mumbai. The state government has assured "strict action' against errant

Book>> The Economics of Biodiversity Conservation

How will vast regions of India, where highly unreliable rainfall makes the difference between famine and sustenance, cope with climate change? Over 85 per cent of the cultivated area in this country

The Maharashtra government wants to redevelop Dharavi, Mumbai s sprawling slum. But its plan has not taken into account the fact that people not only live but also work in this settlement, something they will not be able to do in the new Dharavi.

Over 50,000 people are agitating against a proposed declaration of the Jaikwadi Bird Sanctuary as an

The National Wildlife Action Plan was adopted in 2004. It entailed identifying ecologically fragile areas and wildlife corridors within 10 km of protected areas, and getting states to notify them as eco-fragile zones under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986. But there was no progress in some states.

A patch of land near the Nadappa village comprised 50 tribal families at one point.

in a bid to stop pilferage in the Targeted Public Distribution System (tpds), the Union government plans to introduce food coupons for people below poverty line (bpl). Under the scheme

Almost 75 per cent sewage treatment plants in Maharashtra run without valid consents, reveals Maharashtra's State of Environment Report, 2007. The report, a public document released by Maharashtra
