The UN Conference on the Environment held in 1992 in Rio-de-Janeiro is a landmark in human efforts to keep our planet over blue. Twenty years after Rio, we are struggling to find a pathway of development which concurrently integrates the principles of ecology, economics, equity, ethics and employment. Green Economy can be defined as, "Enhancing economic growth in perpetuity without associated ecological and/or social harm.

The present study comprises of field trips in different rural localities of Kollam and Thiruvananthapuram districts of Kerala. Information regarding the occurrence of plant species, their local names, parts ued, formulations and vegetable preparations through interviews and discussions held with elderly persons of rural communities were recorded. The plant specimens were identified and herbarium sheets prepared for all the species. From the information documented and also from literature data, 9 vegetable plants having high nutrient value were selected.

The present study comprises of field trips in different rural localities of Kollam and Thiruvananthapuram districts of Kerala. Information regarding the occurrence of plant species, their local names, parts ued, formulations and vegetable preparations through interviews and discussions held with elderly persons of rural communities were recorded. The plant specimens were identified and herbarium sheets prepared for all the species. From the information documented and also from literature data, 9 vegetable plants having high nutrient value were selected.

The objective of this study was to examine the association between Brazil’s Bolsa Familia programme (BFP), which is the world's largest conditional cash transfer programme, and the anthropometric indicators of nutritional status in children.

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In a shocking and distressing revelation Health Minister Maithripala Sirisena said yesterday long term malnutrition was as high 41 per cent in Nuwara Eliya with the short term malnutrition was at 11 per cent and called for a sharp change in food patterns among Sri Lankans.

He said malnutrition and anaemia was spreading fast and surprisingly Colombo district was one of the most affected with the

49 amendments to be made to communal violence Bill
Sonia Gandhi-led National Advisory Council (NAC) has cleared the draft National Food Security Bill, 2011, which guarantees subsidised foodgrain to at least 90 per cent of rural households and 50 per cent urban households.

The contribution of nutrients from animal pollinated world crops has not previously been evaluated as a biophysical measure for the value of pollination services. This study evaluates the nutritional composition of animal-pollinated world crops.

4,531 men, 3,403 women and 25 transgenders had tested HIV positive In 2010, Coimbatore was in second place Awareness programme to be conducted COIMBATORE: Coimbatore district has 8,359 HIV positive people, including 17 prisoners, Collector M.

In Sub-Saharan Africa, 40% of children under five years in age are chronically undernourished. As new investments and attention galvanize action on African agriculture to reduce hunger, there is an urgent need for metrics that monitor agricultural progress beyond calories produced per capita and address nutritional diversity essential for human health.

The UPA 2 government has completed its first two years in office. The Food Security Bill continues to elude consensus. Every now and then there is a new announcement that a comprehensive bill is round the corner. In the meantime, foodgrain rots and hunger remains unabated. Uncertainty surrounds even the existing unsatisfactory arrangements.
