Agricultural prices have fallen heavily since their peaks in the first half of 2008: some are already at the levels seen in early 2007 before the recent spike began. Thanks in part to economic downturn, prices are expected to continue falling in 2009. Prices of inputs such as fertiliser and oil, and ocean freight rates, have also come down; and by even larger fractions than those of outputs.


Urban poverty, when directly measured by counting the persons unable to access the official nutrition norm of 2,100 calories through their total monthly spending on all goods and services, declined between 1983 and 1993-94, but rose substantially between 1993-94 and 2004-05 while poverty depth has increased.

They aim to benefit pregnant women and the young.

The programme for young and adolescent girls integrates two existing schemes

The objective of the study was to study the effectiveness of a multi-component intervention model of nutrition and lifestyle education on behavior modification, anthropometry and metabolic risk profile of urban Asian-Indian adolescents in North India.

Caribbean Nicaragua has its own cultural logic that helps to explain the eating habits of indigenous communities that rely on sea turtle meat for nutrition and prefer its taste to that of other available meats.

The recent global food and financial crises have reversed the last decade

Public Interest Litigation in Delhi High Court to ban junk food and carbonated drinks in the schools and also for its sell within a radius of 500 yards.

With the twin objectives of improving health and education of the poor children, India has embarked upon an ambitious scheme of providing mid day meals (MDM) in the government and government-assisted primary schools. The administrative and logistical responsibilities of this scheme are enormous, and, therefore, offering food stamps or income transfer to targeted recipients

CUTTACK: Even as the recent Tendulkar Committee report labels Orissa as the poorest state with over 57 per cent of the population bracketed in the poor sections and deprived of adequate calorie intake, the focus should be on maximising nutrient absorption from the available food.
