
How does it fire?

how planets form: Elongated dust clouds, rather than fluffy blobs of dust, are the seeds of planet formation. This is the finding of experiments conducted by J

An image of the resource-rich southern hemisphere of Saturn's planet-sized moon, Titan, picked up by visible and infrared spectrometers aboard the Cassini spacecraft. The circular feature visible in

Why Mars is so rusty

air stinkers: Harmful smog can form inside homes through reactions between air-fresheners and the ozone pollutant, indicates findings of researchers from the US Environmental Protection Agency. The

only mother's son: Japanese and Korean scientists have created a mouse without using a sperm. The feat is akin to the birth of Dolly, the world's first cloned mammal. Bees, ants, aphids, some fish

Moon helped spur life on Earth

Saturn is the second largest planet in our solar system. With a colourful ring system surrounding the planet, it is highly attractive. Only brief observations, using telescopes, Pioneer-11, Voyager-1 and Voyager-2 in situ recorders have been made. Comparatively impressive details of Saturn have already been obtained. A space mission named Cassini-Huygens is on its way to explore Saturn's biggest moon, Titan, which is slightly smaller than our earth.

Large object of ice and rock found beyond Pluto

Earth like planets may exist
