hyderabad, may 2: The AP Forest Inventory 2010, the report made by state forest officials is considered to be the first of its kind in the country.

Coastal areas of Orissa State in the northeastern part of the Indian peninsula are potentially vulnerable to accelerated erosion hazard. Along the 480-km coastline, most of the coastal areas, including tourist resorts, hotels, fishing villages, and towns, are already threatened by recurring storm flood events and severe coastal erosion.

This report contains an assessment of the threat facing the Hindu Kush-Himalayan region from the recent (post-1950s) and rapid formation of meltwater lakes on the surface or at the end of a large number of the region's glaciers.

Forests have been the key element in maintaining sustainability of many global phenomena. Human dependency on forests is both necessary and unavoidable and hence degradation of this natural resource is inevitable. The study aims to understand the change dynamics over past few decades in the Shimla district, using remote sensing and GIS based techniques.

Tam Dao National Park (TDNP) is a remaining primary forest that supports some of the highest levels of biodiversity in Vietnam. Forest conversion due to illegal logging and agricultural expansion is a major problem that is hampering biodiversity conservation efforts in the TDNP region. Yet, areas vulnerable to forest conversion are unknown.

The world

BHUBANESWAR: This April, Forest Survey of India recorded at least 960 incidents of forest fire in Orissa, as captured by the satellite.

The scale and nature of pre-Columbian human impacts in Amazonia are currently hotly debated. Whereas pre-Columbian people dramatically changed the distribution and abundance of species and habitats in some parts of Amazonia, their impact in other parts is less clear.

Remote sensing has long been a useful tool in global applications, since it provides physically-based, worldwide, and consistent spatial information. This paper discusses the potential of using these techniques in the research field of water management, particularly for

This work reports an attempt to make use of the indigenously developed high resolution IRS-1C satellite imagery to generate a database, including expertize from different organizations involved in floral, soil, microbial, hydro, socio-economic and geological fields. In the absence of large scale topographic maps, high resolution precision geocoded PAN + LISS-III imageries at 1 : 12,500 were used.
