This study is an effort to contribute to the empirical literature on the diverse patterns of migration, adaptation measures by households facing environmental changes, and the role of migration in augmenting household adaptive capacities in four river basins of the Hindu Kush Himalayan (HKH) region, namely the Gandaki, the Indus, the Upper Ganga

This framework document aims to introduce a proactive approach to assess adaptation needs and encourage timely adaptation.

To provide a picture of hydrological impact of climate change across different climatic zones in Europe, this study considers eight river basins: Tagus in Iberian Peninsula; Emån and Lule in Scandinavia; Rhine, Danube and Teteriv in Central and Eastern Europe; Tay on the island of Great Britain and Northern Dvina in North-Eastern Europe.

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The aim of this study is to investigate the differences in the mappable characteristics of earthquake-triggered and rainfall triggered landslides in terms of their frequency-area relationships, spatial distributions and relation with causal factors, and to evaluate whether separate susceptibility maps generated for specific landslide size and triggering mechanism are better than a generic landslide susceptibility assessment including all landslide sizes and triggers.

This paper develops a conceptual and generic framework design for the study of upstream-downstream linkages (UDL) in the Hindu Kush Himalaya (HKH) region. The framework application will to define changing upstreamdownstream linkages (UDL) and likely impacts on downstream regions.

In recent years, hydrological droughts in the Karst Basins have become more frequent and have caused serious ecological and environmental problems. This paper took the karst drainage basin of Guizhou, China as the study area to analyze the geomorphologic distribution and the temporal-spatial variations of hydrological droughts.

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National Register of Large Dam (NRLD) is a compilation of the dams in the country prepared as per information received from the State Government/Authority concerned. In NRLD the definition of “large dams” has been adopted as per the norms of International Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD).

The present and future groundwater availability and exploitation were evaluated for an intermountain basin (Kohat Sub basin) of Northwest Himalayan Fold & thrust belt Pakistan by developing a 3D numerical groundwater flow model. The groundwater models attempt to represent an actual groundwater system with a mathematical counterpart. The conventional groundwater flow modeling procedure was followed to characterize complex hydrogeological system and predict future of fresh water resources in response to pumping and potential withdrawal.

42 rivers in India are polluted with at least two toxic heavy metals reveals this report published by Central Water Commission.Ganga, the national river, is polluted with five heavy metals—chromium, copper, nickel, lead and iron

This study was conducted to examine the changes in future temperature and precipitation of the Kabul River Basin in Afghanistan by using the outputs of three general circulation models (GCMs) under two representative concentration pathway (RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5) scenarios.

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