Polavaram dam is an extravagant waste of public money that will provide little benefit to few people. It will set the state of Andhra Pradesh back for decades and may prevent Andhra Pradesh sharing in the economic prosperity experienced by the rest of India. This booklet argues that the Polavaram dam project should not go ahead because it will not deliver the benefits claimed for its, because it represents an extraordinary waste of public money, and it will have disastrous consequences for the people it displaces.

The construction of Tipaimukh dam by India on the international Barak river has raises a number of questions in relation to successful implementation of World Commission on Dams (WCD) recommendation on Gaining Public Acceptance (GPA) for large dams.

The distribution trends of trace elements over North and South Krishna delta were examined in relation to fresh-, brackish- and saline-water zonations. Strontium and boron have shown significant variations in fresh-, brackish- and saline-water environment. Strontium has shown a variation from 23 to 1500 mg/l in freshwater, 1650 to 2760 mg/l in brackish water and

Water is important for economic development, and many parts of India already face issues of water scarcity. This study predicts that intensity of rainfall will increase under climate change. Issues such as water scarcity may also become more prevalent.

Flood Hazard Mapping is a vital component for appropriate land use planning in flood-prone areas. It creates easily-read, rapidly-accessible charts and maps which facilitates the administrators and planners to identify areas of risk and prioritize their mitigation/ response efforts. This article presents an efficient methodology to accurately delineate the flood-hazard areas in the Kosi River Basin, North Bihar, India in a GIS environment.

The main objective of this study can be asserted as to assess the probable impacts, which are likely to be happened due to the operation of proposed Tipaimukh Hydro Electric Dam (Multipurpose) Project of India by storing, regulating, withdrawal or diversion of the Barak River flow on the northeast region of Bangladesh.

Flood hazard in a basin depends upon the hydrological response of the upstream basin area. The upstream basin area may produce different amounts of run-off for a given rainfall based on its hydrologic response. The present communication shows the importance of drainage network characteristics in understanding the hydrologic response of a basin. The study is carried out through Geomorphic Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph analysis, wherein Horton's morphometric ratios were used to define the drainage network. A floodprone river basin in north Bihar plains has been selected as a study area.

Flood hazard is one of the most severe problems in the Himalayan river basins. Although floods are essentially hydrological phenomenon, the uneven distribution of floods in the river basin highlights the control of geomorphological and geological factors. A proper understanding of these factors is critical for a successful flood management programme. Remote sensing data is of immense value in evaluating the geomorphological and geological controls in flooding. The present paper highlights the control of geomorphology and neotectonics on flood hazard in north Bihar Plains, eastern India.

Lack of coherent research on the melting Gangotri glacier spells disaster

Increasing concentrations of atmospheric carbon dioxide will almost certainly lead to changes in global mean climate. But because - by defnition-extreme events are rare, it is significantly more difficult to quantify the risk of extremes.
