Just as Hurricane Katrina caused levees in the Mississippi Delta to breach in August 2005, flooding large parts of New Orleans, this year

Viruses are the most abundant biological organisms of the world's oceans. Viral infections are a substantial source of
mortality in a range of organisms

Viruses that infect microbes in deep-sea sediments may be a key driver in the world's largest ecosystem and integral to the global carbon cycle, data reveal.

The accrued palynological data obtained from the subsurface sediments of South Kerala Sedimentary Basin have been found to be useful for identifying various ecological complexes and their environmental preferences. The occurrence and relative abundance
of Cullenia exarillata pollen along with other wet evergreen

The raw water quality available in India varies significantly, resulting in modifications to the conventional water treatment scheme consisting of aeration, chemical coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation, filtration and disinfection. The backwash water and sludge generation from water treatment plants are of environment concern in terms of disposal.

Tens of millions of people in south and southeast Asia routinely consume ground water that has unsafe arsenic levels. Using hydrologic and (bio)geochemical measurements, the researchers show that on the minimally disturbed Mekong delta of Cambodia, arsenic is released from near-surface, river-derived sediments and transported, on a centennial timescale, through the underlying aquifer back to the river.

South Asia's well-water is widely polluted with arsenic, but no one has located the source. A study on the Mekong River finds that contamination begins in pond sediments, and is spread by groundwater flow to wells.

Geological map pinpoints fresh areas of contamination in Asia.

Tapping energy or sapping the Himalayas? Chandi Prasad Bhatt A series of dams are being planned on the Ganga between the Gangotri glacier and Uttarkashi to generate hydropower. The government has an economic agenda that requires huge amount energy. Well, it can go ahead, but only after it has satisfied me on seven counts. There should be a detailed,

Recently in Dhaka, Dutch ambassador Bea Ten Tusscher suggested that Bangladesh, decidedly to be worst-hit by global-warming-induced sea level rise, could outpace this disaster by trapping the silt three great rivers carry through it to the sea. It is a fascinating idea from the ambassador of a nation actively associated with the development of Bangladesh
