Measles, a highly contagious viral infection, is in various respects the perfect example of a threat to health that respects neither aspirations nor boundaries between developed and developing countries. Complications of measles infection include pneumonia (the most common cause of death in children with measles), encephalitis, ear in

A new Council of Agricultural Science and Technology, or CAST, paper examines the causes and consequences of groundwater depletion throughout the U.S.

A team of Midwestern climate scientists has released a new report with grim predictions about the impact of climate change on the Great Lakes region.

Around three-quarters of US coal production is now more expensive than solar and wind energy in providing electricity to American households, according to a new study.

Global energy-related carbon emissions rose to a record high last year as energy demand and coal use increased, mainly in Asia, the International Energy Agency (IEA) said on Tuesday.

Most developing and transition countries do not have vehicle manufacturing capabilities hence rely on import of their entire vehicle fleet. A large percentage of these vehicles are imported as used or second-hand.

America has officially entered the “coal cost crossover” – where existing coal is increasingly more expensive than cleaner alternatives. Today, local wind and solar could replace approximately 74 percent of the U.S. coal fleet at an immediate savings to customers. By 2025, this number grows to 86 percent of the coal fleet.

Dire Dawa, Ethiopia - Millions of people in the Horn of Africa are suffering from a prolonged drought that is coinciding with the United States's proposal to slash funding for lifesaving food aid.

Transportation network companies (TNCs), defined as digital applications that match potential riders with drivers in real time, will never substitute for a robust, high-capacity transit network and compact, pedestrian-friendly development in terms of enabling large numbers of people to move efficiently around cities.

Environmental groups involved in talks at a United Nations conference in Kenya have accused the US of blocking an ambitious global response to plastic pollution.
