Rural Development Minister Jairam Ramesh on Friday rejected the Parliamentary standing committee's suggestion to delete a clause in the Land Acquisition Bill allowing the government to acquire land for public-private-partnership (PPP) projects.

He said the government would not compromise with the fundamental principles in the Bill, whose thrust is on urbanisation and industrialisation. A similar assurance came from Commerce Minister Anand Sharma, who said his ministry would not allow any compromise on manufacturing and industrial activities as they were a national priority.

There's garbage in your greens. That fresh cucumber in your salad or your dose of green leafy veggies could well have been grown using raw sewage discharge.

KOLKATA, 16 MAY: The future of Indian cities ~ and Kolkata ~ lies in urban densification in the form of high-rise buildings and “virtual land”, said Mr Debashish Sen, principal secretary of West Be

Once a source of fresh water for irrigation, Kadaperi lake is now rapidly degrading

Due to unchecked pollution, abetted by government agencies, a sprawling water body in Tambaram is under siege. The Kadaperi Lake in West Tambaram, has fallen a victim to pollution caused by unchecked discharge of grey water and sullage from homes and commercial establishments, as well as effluents from the Tambaram Depot of the Metropolitan Transport Corporation.

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has agreed to provide an assistance of US$ 56.8 million (equivalent to Rs 4.8 billion) to the government of Nepal for the implementation of Integrated Urban Develop

If an ambitious state road development plan approved by the public works department is implemented, then by 2021, all the national highways passing through Maharashtra will be expressways with a mi

The koala has been listed as a threatened species in parts of Australia due to its shrinking population, according to officials.

Energy security, power markets and sustainable urban development top the agenda at talks on Thursday between European Commission bosses and visiting Chinese officials, led by Vice Premier Li Keqian

Inspite of loss of many native flora from National Capital Territory (NCT) region, due to rapid urban growth, seven plant species that had not been hitherto known from this region, have been recorded.

The issue of climate change is cross-cutting, it has a potential to affect a number of sectors augmenting the growth of the city. Risk and vulnerability assessment was conducted for the city in consultation with Indore City Advisory Committee (CAC), Indore Municipal Corporation (IMC), academic institutions, private sectors and community.
