Increasing population and resource use in cities is a trend all over the world and India is no exception. It is therefore important to study the cities, especially the megacities from multiple perspectives to improve planning and governance.

In 2007, the world became a predominantly urban society. An estimated three-quarters of economic production now takes place in cities. Urbanization brings with it the possibilities of improved access to jobs, goods, and services for poor people in developing countries and beyond as globalization trends connect cities worldwide.

Urban water management is now on the verge of a revolution in response to rapidly escalating urban demands for water as well as the need to make urban water systems more resilient to climate change. Growing competition, conflicts,

Humankind recently crossed an important threshold: over half of all people now live in cities. In contrast to most of human history, cities have become the default condition for human habitation almost everywhere on earth. Urbanization is proceeding rapidly and at unprecedented scales in Asia, Africa, and the Middle East.

The WWF released its ninth Living Planet Report, detailing the ongoing destruction of the world's environment by the predatory behaviors of rich nations, which, the report concludes, are responsible for the most drastic drop in biodiversity in poor countries in over 40 years.

Cities are beginning to test ideas and share their experience in developing adaptation plans and identifying adaptive measures. However, the approaches cities are taking to prepare for climate impacts and the overall scope of activity associated with adaptation have not been assessed.

This latest regional human development report for the Asia Pacific focuses on the need for the region to find ways to continue to grow economically while reducing poverty and tackling climate change and environmental concerns.

This note takes stock of poverty research to date, proposes a set of ‘building blocks’ or lessons learnt in terms of poverty policy analysis and research, and identifies challenges and future directions for research

Sustainable Low-Carbon City Development in China, summarizes the lessons of the World Bank’s activities related to sustainable urban development in China. The report presents overall policy recommendations in low-carbon city development and highlights specific experiences across key sectors, including energy, transport, solid waste, and water.

Speaking at an international workshop on Equity and Climate Change, held on April 12, the minister for environment and forests, Jayanthi Natarajan, sought to build a consensus on the inter-relation
