DELHI Migrants might be causing uproar in some parts of the country but photo-journalist Harish Tyagi sees their lives in an entirely different light through his lense.

At ITC, CSR is built into its businesses.

The pivot around which the improvement of maternal health revolved was the Indian woman doctor and her growing presence from the 1900s was to be seen at hospitals and welfare centres in the Bombay presidency, promoting knowledge of more hygienic birthing methods and safe infant care.


Andhra Pradesh has been galloping ahead on the road to progress and prosperity at incredible speed in the last four years.

This article presents results on the participation of rural workers in the National Rural Employment Guarantee programme based on a pilot survey of three villages in Udaipur district in Rajasthan.

The Heart of Soweto Study aims to increase our understanding of the characteristics and burden imposed by heart disease in an urban African community in probable epidemiological transition. The authors aimed to investigate the clinical range of disorders related to cardiovascular disease in patients presenting for the first time to a tertiary-care centre.

In 2006, Delhi decided to experiment with the supplementary nutrition programme: it handed over the scheme to NGOs. Swami Sivananda Memorial Institute (SSMI) was given the charge of the Jahangirpuri resettlement colony in western Delhi. It had to cater to about 14,000 children and women. The NGO formed a self-help group of women from the community it served. Some of the employees had their children getting food under the scheme. The kitchen was located within the community to ensure accountability. Lady Irwin College decided the menu.

Book>> Environmental Issues in India: a Reader

Women, the primary caregiver in family, are the most vulnerable group to climate change, said the speakers at a seminar yesterday.
