There is no reason why India should face hunger and malnutrition, and why our farmers should commit suicide. India is blessed with the most fertile soils in the world.

The meeting to draw up a climate change regime for 2020 and beyond in Paris later this year will, as usual, be fraught with overwhelming complexity. Will "climate clubs" be able to offer room for making greater efforts in smaller groups?

The demand for renewable energy, particularly wind and solar power, has seen a meteoric rise in the last decade.This increase in demand, however, has resulted in fairly frequent trade disputes between nations seeking to expand or preserve their country’s green industries. The European Union (“EU”) accused the Chinese solar panel industry of dumping, or selling its products at prices below what they would charge domestically.

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Wants US to withdraw case against domestic content requirement at WTO

Verdict expected in August

The much hyped ‘stand off’ between US and India on India’s current IPR regime and concerns expressed that India is not fully compliant with TRIPS Agreement is more a myth than a reality. The differences are relatively minor and even though India is in the Priority Watch List of USTR, it is more of an internal alert system within US with no relevance to India or her position in the global trading community or the WTO. In fact, U.S.

This handbook aims to foster a better understanding of the interlinkages between international trade, the environment and the green economy. It therefore focuses on national and international trade policy and rules, on environmental governance and principles, and the relationship between both.

The G-33 on Friday debated the US proposal at the second dedicated session this year on the issue at the Geneva-based WTO

The middle-income trap is a situation in which middle-income countries face a slowdown of growth.

Estimates show that fossil fuel subsidies average USD 400–600 billion annually worldwide while renewable energy (RE) subsidies amounted to USD 66 billion in 2010 and are predicted to rise to USD 250 billion annually by 2035.
