This study investigated the source categories and emission areas of carbonaceous aerosols transported from East Asia to the East China Sea. Mass concentrations of heavy metals, ionic components, organic carbon, and elemental carbon (EC) were measured at the Cape Hedo Atmosphere and Aerosol Monitoring Station in Okinawa, Japan, throughout 2010. The relative influences of different categories of aerosols were determined by positive matrix factorization, and the source regions of each emissions category were evaluated by using the total potential source contribution function.

This study presents the characteristics of aerosol black carbon (BC) from a rural continental site, Agartala, located in the North-Eastern part of India using two year measurements from September 2010 to September 2012. Diurnal and seasonal variations are examined in relation to the unique geographical location, changeable meteorological conditions and distinct source characteristics. Winter season is characterized by extremely high BC concentration (17.8 ± 9.2 µg/m3) comparable

Studies on measuring CO2, CH4 and N2O fluxes from five agroforestry systems viz., teak, jatropha, pongamia, simaruba and leucaena were conducted in semi-arid alfisols. This study gives an idea of successive potential values of GHGs in agroforestry systems to compare with carbon sequesteration abilities of these systems.

The present study on geochemical evolution of groundwater is taken up to assess the controlling processes of water chemistry in the Western Delta region of the River
Godavari (Andhra Pradesh), which is one of the major rice producing centers in India. The study region is underlain by coarse sand with black clay (buried channels), black silty clay of recent origin (floodplain) and gray/white fine sand of modern beach sediment of marine source (coastal zone), including brown silty clay with fine sand (paleo-beach .ridges). Groundwater is mostly brackish and very hard

Polar bears (Ursus maritimus) depend on sea ice, where they hunt ice-associated seals. However, they are opportunistic predators and scavengers with a long list
of known prey species. Here we report from a small fjord in Svalbard, Norwegian High Arctic, a sighting of an adult male polar bear preying on two white-beaked dolphins (Lagenorhynchus albirostris) on 23 April 2014. This is the first record of this species as polar bear prey. White-beaked dolphins are frequent visitors to Svalbard waters in summer, but have not previously been reported this far north in early spring.

The continental shelves of the Pacific-Arctic Region (PAR) are especially vulnerable to the effects of ocean acidification (OA) because the intrusion of anthropogenic CO2 is not the only process that can reduce pH and carbonate mineral saturation states for aragonite. Enhanced sea ice melt, respiration of organic matter, upwelling, and riverine inputs have been shown to exacerbate CO2-driven ocean acidification in high-latitude regions.

Protected public lands are insufficient to halt the loss of global biodiversity. However, most commercial landowners need incentives to engage in conservation.

Nature threads the very fabric of human lives in remote forest areas of developing countries. Unfortunately, we do not fully understand how ecosystem services (such as human health benefits) could be secured by conserving natural capital. Thus, we analyze a rich dataset on disease, climate, demography, land uses, and conservation policies in the Brazilian Amazon. Unsurprisingly, we find that the health dividends vary across conservation policies and are small relative to the overall burden of these diseases.

This paper presents viability study of integrated renewable power system for telecommunication applications. Rapid depletion of fossil fuel resources necessitated research on alternative energy sources. A wind solar integrated system is a reliable alternative energy source because it uses solar energy combined with wind energy to create a stand-alone power system. Incremental Conductance and Fuzzy Logic Maximum Power Point Tracking is proposed in this paper for solar and wind power system to provide a constant voltage with the help of DC-DC Single-Ended Primary-Inductance Converter.

Geographic range size is often conceptualized as a fixed attribute of a species and treated as such for the purposes of quantification of extinction risk; species occupying smaller geographic ranges are assumed to have a higher risk of extinction, all else being equal. However many species are mobile, and their movements range from relatively predictable to-and-fro migrations to complex irregular movements shown by nomadic species. These movements can lead to substantial temporary expansion and contraction of geographic ranges, potentially to levels which may pose an extinction risk.
