This paper analyses the effects of access to Rural Public Works (RPW) and the Public Distribution System (PDS), a public food subsidy programme, on consumption poverty, vulnerability and undernutrition in India drawing, on the large household datasets constructed with National Sample Survey (NSS) data, 50th round in 1993-1994 and 61st round in 2004-2005.

In Nepal, disaster mitigation is considered as a humanitarian activity and more focus is given on post disaster activity. This report prepared for East & Southeast Asia regional seminar on flood hazard mapping, 17-19 Feb, 2009, Manila, Philippines.

The present issue of the publication viz. Statistical Pocket Book, India 2008, which is the 46th edition in the series gives data on various socio economic trends prevailing in the country on an All India basis. The publication contains data for the latest 3 years besides the data for the base year as 1990-91 for comparative purposes.

The Pesticides Act 1999 controls the use of pesticides in New South Wales. The Act aims to reduce the risks to human health, the environment, property, industry and trade from the use

This report presents basic information and data to support the development and evaluation of bus rapid transit concepts as one of many options during alternatives analyses and subsequent project planning.

This report outlines the wide-ranging risks investors and companies face from water scarcity and how global climate change will heighten those risks in many parts of the world.

This Act may be cited as the

Standing Committee on Agriculture, present this Forty-Seventh Report on

The biotechnology industry has aggressively touted GM as a solution to hunger and the global food crisis. Their arguments have been accepted by many politicians. This report looks behind the spin and exposes the reasons why GM crops cannot, and are unlikely to ever, contribute to poverty reduction, global food security or sustainable farming.

The existing legislation though covers adequate provision empowering the State Boards to prescribe stringent emission/
discharge standards while issuing the consent under the Water Act/Air Act, the judgments presently made by the SPCBs appear to be based on their respective experiences in qualitative terms for specifying stringent standards on a case to case basis.
