The current study uses contingent valuation technique to estimate the value of clean water in river Musi in Hyderabad, India. The main source of pollution of the river is untreated domestic and industrial wastewater from the urban area of Hyderabad.

In developing countries, the progress of large populations is held up because of a lack of access to the energy required for long-term economic and social development. This past year has seen dramatic volatility in oil prices. Volatile energy prices are impacting energy security, balance of payments, inflation, and economic growth.

The purpose of this paper is to identify and examine policies, technologies and practices in China for coal mine methane (CMM) recovery and use, focusing on the unique challenges and opportunities of medium- and smaller-sized coal mines.

The incoming Obama Administration and the 111th Congress face enormous challenges and opportunities in tackling the pressing security, economic, and environmental problems posed by the energy sector in the United States and worldwide. Improving the technologies of energy supply and end-use is a prerequisite for surmounting these challenges in a timely and cost-effective way.

This paper presents the results of a study conducted to understand why Green IT initiatives are undertaken, and how the results translate into cost savings, business value and environmental benefits. More than 1,000 IT professionals in midsize businesses, from 12 countries and eight industries have been consulted in the survey.

During a special ceremony at the Palais des Nations in Geneva, Switzerland, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the International Council for Science released a report titled

Pilot projects are being developed to transform the Convention

This study estimates the recreational demand for the Indian Sundarban, which is a World Heritage site and a complex mangrove ecosystem that borders India and Bangladesh. In 2005-06, the Indian Sunderban received some 64,000 visitors, mainly from Kolkata and other parts of West Bengal. Tourism to the Sunderban is highly seasonal and characterised by few multipoint or foreign visitors.

The purpose of this study is to provide an Indian civil society view on the contents of the Indian government

With the prospects of higher energy requirements in the longer term and the need for reducing GHG emission, biofuel production could be an important source of sustainable energy supply although it will only represent a small proportion of total energy consumption.
