The current world food crisis is the result of the combined effects of competition for cropland from the growth in biofuels, low cereal stocks, high oil prices, speculation in food

This report is an output of the project small-scale producers

This briefing highlights the key issues facing the Indian forestry system. It identifies major priorities and actions to help the Indian forestry system develop sustainably and meet future national needs.

A green building depletes the natural resources to the minimum during its construction and operation. The aim of a green building design is to minimize the demand on non-renewable resources, maximize the utilization efficiency of these

Supermarket refrigeration is making a worrying contribution to climate change. About one quarter of the carbon footprint of supermarkets comes from the cooling gases used in their refrigeration systems

This paper analyses the effects of access to Rural Public Works (RPW) and the Public Distribution System (PDS), a public food subsidy programme, on consumption poverty, vulnerability and undernutrition in India.

This study specifically addresses the issue of low level of health insurance coverage with special reference to private health insurance. The study analyses the rational behavior of insurance agents in the scale-up process of health insurance in an imperfect market.

This IGES brief is based on the outcomes of the consultations on post-2012 climate regime and pertinent literature review.

The Committee took evidence of the representatives of the Ministry of Power on 16th June, 2008.

Driven by national objectives for greater energy security, the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and rural development policy, incentives supporting biofuel production have increased in recent years with a greater number of countries adopting a variety of stimulative policies.
