The Beijing 2008 Olympic Games were widely acclaimed as one of the most spectacular sporting events ever held, not least as a result of the sumptuous and dazzling opening ceremony and the high standards of competition from athletics and swimming to horse-jumping and yachting. But what of the environment which along with sport and culture is the third pillar of Olympism?

Agricultural producers, in particular the smallholder farmers of developing countries, are facing unprecedented challenges in the 21st century.

Agricultural producers, in particular the smallholder farmers of developing countries, are facing unprecedented challenges in the 21st century.

The negotiations held at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change reveals there is a wide gap between the developed and developing nations which has threatened the equity related components of the Convention. It has been felt that there is a need to follow the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities (CBDR) that will serve as the medium for bringing about equality.

Immediate sign of the mobility crisis in our cities is paralyzing congestion, -- crawling traffic and high pollution levels. Mounting global evidence shows that this imposes high costs on urban communities. This can be around 2 - 3 per cent of the GDP. In many cities congestion occurs during the longer

Mercury is one of the most dangerous environmental pollutants, both in its elemental form and in chemical combination. When mercury is released into the environment it gets transformed into methyl mercury through microbial action. The methylation of mercury is a key step in the entrance of mercury into food chains. This methyl mercury is mercury in its most pernicious form.

This recent study by Environment Pollution (Prevention & Control) Authority is an effort to improve public understanding of the challenges that parking of vehicles present and the ways parking regulations can be leveraged to restrain traffic in Indian cities.

This paper estimates the economic impact of ocean acidification on coral reefs which are generally considered to be economically as well as ecologically important ecosystems. First, conduct an impact assessment in which atmospheric concentration of CO2 is linked to ocean acidity causing coral reef area loss.

This paper estimates the economic impact of ocean acidification on coral reefs which are generally considered to be economically as well as ecologically important ecosystems. First, conduct an impact assessment in which atmospheric concentration of CO2 is linked to ocean acidity causing coral reef area loss.

A High Power Committee (HPC) was set up under Dr Subhash Chandra Pani, Secretary, Planning Commission, to look into the recommendations of the
