This paper provides an outlook for the Indian economy in the light of the extraordinary global financial crisis, that started in the US, but which has now transformed into the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression. The Indian economy was slowing down even before the onset of global crisis and so the

The 21st edition of the annual comprehensive economic report on the developing member economies of ADB. sets. Evaluates the recent economic performance of 45 economies in Asia, and provides projections for major macroeconomic indicators for 2009 and 2010.

Climate change is increasingly recognised as a key issue for the automotive sector. According to figures from the International Energy Agency, transport is responsible for around 18% of all carbon emissions, with autos (light-duty vehicles) accounting for approximately 10%.

India has many years of experience using renewable energy sources to fulfill the energy needs of its population. This includes exploitation of both traditional sources (such as biomass) and nontraditional sources (such as wind power).

The tsunami of the recent past has put into perspective the need for assessing tsunami hazard in vulnerable coastal areas of India. Following the disastrous tsunami in the Indian Ocean on December 26th 2004, the Ministry of Earth Sciences initiated action towards
setting up of the Tsunami Warming System at INCOIS, Hyderabad.

This document is the draft report of the glaciers study group, prepared by Ministry of Science and Technology, submitted to the Prime Minister's Council on Climate Change.

The Ministry of Environment and Forests is implementing Capacity Building for Industrial Pollution Management Project with the objective to support the development of institutional and methodological framework for implementing of pilots for rehabilitation of highly polluted sites resulting from rapid industrialization.

This report provides actions for, and conditions to, a Copenhagen climate agreement from the perspective of the EU steel sector.

Climate Change has become an urgent and pervasive preoccupation across the globe. It is a global challenge which requires an ambitious global response. India and other developing countries would be among those most seriously impacted by the consequences of Climate Change. It is for this reason that India, along

We discuss separate and integrated approaches to building scalable solar power plants and wildlife sanctuaries. Both solar power plants and wildlife sanctuaries need a lot of land. We quantify some of the requirements using various estimates of the rate of solar power production as well as the rate of adding wildlife to a sanctuary over the time range 2010-2050.
