The most recent climate modeling predicts higher sea levels for the New Jersey coast. Tourism, transportation, real estate and human health are likely to be affected in various ways and could see losses in the billions of dollars. Changing climate is expected to increase the economic impacts on New Jersey and the nation. These changes will be more pronounced if global greenhouse gas emissions are not reduced.

A new analysis of ice cores conducted by scientists of National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) and the University of Washington (UW) show the existence of connection of the world's coldest continent Antarctica to global warming, as well as to periodic events such as El Ni

Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the transport sector also play an important role in the climate change issue. Carbon dioxide (CO2), a GHG, emissions from the transport sector has risen by the fastest rate in the past three decades. From 1990 to 2004, CO2 emissions from the transport sector alone rose by 36.5%. In developing countries esp.

Good policies that cannot be implemented will not solve the current problems of climate change whose impacts are expected to hit Africa the most, is affecting 42 billion people worldwide. But Uganda appears to be laying ground work to both mitigate and adapt to the phenomenon.

This report describes an evaluation framework for identifying optimal (best overall, taking into account all benefits and costs) transportation emission reduction strategies. Current

The forthcoming issue of FMR includes a major feature on climate change and displacement. It presents a wide range of articles, written by UN, academic, international and local actors, addressing issues of interest to people concerned with the potential for climate change to contribute to causing displacement and with the effects on those people having to adapt or migrate. 35 articles explore the extent of the potential displacement crisis, factors affecting displaced people and the search for solutions.

This study was conducted to assess the safety with special reference to acute toxicity, if any of six samples (Excavated waste, Lime sludge, Naphthol tar (or Naphthol tar), Reactor residue, Semi processed pesticide and Sevin tar) collected from `Stored Toxic Wastes at the former UCIL plant site at Bhopal'.

Climate Resilient Cities: A Primer on Reducing Vulnerabilities to Climate Change Impacts and Strengthening Disaster Risk Management in East Asian Cities is prepared as a guide for local governments in the East Asia Region to better understand the concepts and consequences of climate change; how climate change consequences contribute to urban vulnerabilities; and what is being done by city governments in East Asia and around the world to actively engage in learning, capacity building, and capital investment programs for building sustainable, resilient communities. The

The Group of Ministers (GoM) constituted to oversee the matters related to the Bhopal Gas Leak, in its meeting held on 11th June, 2008, had taken certain important decisions. Based on these decisions, the following action has been/ is being taken by the Government.

The Community-Based Adaptation (CBA) programme supports community-driven climate change adaptation projects through small-scale grants and leverages lessons emerging from projects to catalyze change in national and sub-national policy in support of systematic adaptation.
