The first monitoring was undertaken on August 22, 2008. When the farmers group visited the CETP for sampling, they observed bypass of untreated effluents and the district administration and the pollution control board was informed of the same. On the complaints of the community, the regional officer, Rajasthan State Pollution Control Board and the CETP officials rushed to the site.

There is a rapid growth in Europe and worldwide of counterfeit and illegally-traded pesticides. These illegal products are produced and distributed by criminal gangs. They are untested, unregulated and threaten farmers and consumers health and the environment. The scale and scope of counterfeit pesticides differs from market to market depending on countries

This study identifies the most likely humanitarian implications of climate change for the next 20-30 year period. The authors use Geographical Information Systems (GIS) to map specific hazards associated with climate change

In tackling climate change, policy makers often overlook the role
of the natural world in regulating greenhouse gases in the
atmosphere: specifically, the unique role that forests and
peatlands have to play in the battle against rising emissions.
Changing approach would significantly reduce the cost of
tackling climate change and deliver a variety of other benefits.

This survey shows, that conventionally grown strawberries still contain a higher level of pesticide residues compared to other fruits. In total, 85 % of the analyzed samples contained multiple

This report stresses the importance of mobility for development, defining it in a broader framework in connection with related concepts such as Accessibility and sustainability. Taking Bangalore for its case study, the report clarifies the socio-economic trends and current plans for land use and transport

WWF presented a series of case studies from four continents showing that measures to improve the health of stressed water systems now would also improve their ability to cope with projected climate impacts in the future. This report shows that practical adaptations to climate change impacts on freshwaters may have immediate benefits for peoples' livelihoods and to conserve ecosystems, and should be priorities for governments and aid donors.

This report highlights the impact of the UK's consumption patterns on water resources across the world. WWF has used state-of-the-art analysis to estimate the UK's total national water footprint. This report presents both the results of this analysis and several case studies that illustrate the impacts of the UK's water footprint in the countries where the food and cotton are grown.

The United States

The Koshi Basin is the largest river basin of Nepal. It originates from the Tibetan Plateau of China. The Koshi river is also known as the "sorrow of Bihar". Floods from the Koshi river in the past have created havoc in the downstream area of Nepal and India leading to loss of lives and property and causing widespread human suffering. This report provides a preliminary assessment of the impacts of the Koshi flood disaster and rainfall forecasts.
