This paper by Prayas Energy Group exposes the hidden subsidies enjoyed by users of cars and two wheelers, thus marginalizing the needier sections. It uses a case study of urban transport in Pune to show that a bus user is much less subsidized than a car or a two-wheeler user.

The comparison of the key features of trade integration processes and the economic outcomes in China and India reveals that while much has already been achieved in both these economies, the Chinese reforms, especially with respect to manufacturing

Climate adaptation is the process of adjusting to novel climate regimes, such as reducing water consumption to compensate for reduced precipitation rates, shifting the location of an industry away from an increasingly drought-prone area to a region that will be receiving higher flows, or altering urban stream morphology to allow for larger and more frequent floods.

India has undertaken extensive reforms in its manufacturing sector in the last two decades. However, an acceleration of growth in manufacturing, and a concomitant increase in employment, has eluded India. What might be holding

At Gleneagles, United Kingdom in 2005, the G8 leaders signed a communiqu

In tackling climate change, policy makers often overlook the role of the natural world in regulating greenhouse gases in the atmosphere: specifically, the unique role that forests and peatlands have to play in the battle against rising emissions. Changing approach would significantly reduce the cost of tackling climate change and deliver a variety of other benefits. This report argues that preventing deforestation, promoting
afforestation/reforestation and stopping peatland destruction
are some of the cheapest and most effective ways of reducing
global emissions.

Climate change is having a destructive impact on many groups around the world. Pastoralists in East Africa have been adapting to climate variability for millennia and their adaptability ought to enable them to cope with this growing challenge. This paper explains the policies required to enable sustainable and productive pastoralist communities to cope with the impact of climate change and generate sustainable livelihoods.

The 61st round of NSS shows that there is a turn around in employment growth in rural India after a phase of

This report provides detailed information on human risk of asbestos exposure and its health effects. Reveals that unorganized units have poor industrial hygiene conditions and recommends preventive measures to reduce the risk of workers exposed to asbestos.

This working paper describes four major outcomes: Recommendations to improve accounting of the long-term depletion of carbon stocks through forest and wetland degradation. Discussion of two possible approaches to harnessing the mitigation potential of harvested wood products, while minimizing adverse and unintended effects on biodiversity, forest management and the environmental integrity of the Kyoto
