India is a Party to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. The Convention enjoins Parties to communicate information about the implementation of the Convention, taking into account their common but differentiated responsibilities and their specific national and regional development priorities, objectives and circumstances.

This publication provides an overview of key facts and societal challenges related to economic development, future energy
demand and the impact that demand could have on the climate system.The focus of this publication is on the world's use of energy and its related impacts.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), in its Fourth Assessment Report, re-emphasized the need for adaptation to address the impacts of climate change on lives and livelihoods across all sectors.

Agricultural water management (AWM) is generally perceived as a key step towards improving low yielding smallholder farming systems in sub-Sahara Africa, South Asia and Latin America. This paper aims to give a first overview of

In determining domestic water prices, policy makers often need to use information about the demand side rather than only relying on information about the supply side. Household surveys have frequently been employed to collect demand-side information. This paper presents a multiple bounded discrete choice household survey model. It discusses how the model can be utilized to collect and analyze information about the acceptability of different water prices by different types of households, as well as households

The landfill is an unavoidable component in MSW Management and its planning and design, construction, operation & maintenance involves technical skills and safety measures in terms of health and environmental protection.

In assessing the extent of poverty in a given country one naturally focuses on a poverty line that is considered appropriate for that country. However, poverty lines vary across countries in terms of their purchasing power, and they have an economic gradient, such that richer countries tend to adopt higher standards of living in defining poverty. This report presents a major overhaul to the World Bank

The workshop,

This Agricultural Outlook offers an assessment of agricultural markets covering cereals, oilseeds, sugar, meats, milk and dairy products over the period 2008 to 2017. For the first time, it also includes an analysis of and projections for global biofuel markets for bioethanol and biodiesel, facilitating the discussion of interactions between these markets and those for the main agricultural feedstocks used in their production.

This report focuses on how foreign policy can help to further EU objectives on climate change and clean energy, looking specifically at how the EU can more effectively partner with large developing emitters in supporting a global transformation to cleaner energy systems over the first half of this century.
