Long-term food security is a broad development issue. Food security cannot be achieved without enhancing livelihood options, and the livelihoods of poor communities cannot be improved unless productive resources, such as water, land, forest, rangeland, biodiversity, and the natural environment,

The objectives of this Report are to clarify the latest scientific knowledge in Japan on the impacts of, and adaptation to, climate change, and to present the concept of "wise adaptation' and the direction for future research. The Report presents a summary based on the reviews conducted by the Committee and the working groups comprised of experts from various fields of study.

Order of Ministry of Commerce and Industry dated 27/08/2008 on M/s Mundra Port and Special Economic Zone Ltd.

The Kosi river in north Bihar plains, eastern India presents a challenge in terms of long and recurring flood hazard. Despite a long history of flood control management in the basin for more than 5 decades, the river continues to bring a lot of misery through extensive flooding. This paper revisits the flooding problem in the Kosi river basin and presents an in-depth analysis of flood hydrology. The study integrates the hydrological analysis with a GIS-based flood risk mapping in parts of the basin. Typical hydrological characteristics of

More catastrophic wildfires just waiting to happen. This is the
situation now facing the American West. Wildfire frequency and
severity are increasing because of rising temperatures, drying
conditions, and more lightning brought by global warming. When
combined with decades of fire suppression that allowed unsafe

Guidelines for "scheme for urban transport planning" to provide for central financial assistance for comprehensive traffic and transportation planning, integrated land use and transport planning, complete mobility planning and preparation of detailed project reports, clean development mechanism etc. in all cities in India in line with National Urban Transport Policy (NUTP) -2006.

Decrease in fisheries production likely

In many cities of developing countries untreated wastewater and polluted water are used for agriculture in urban and peri-urban areas. Though such practices are a threat to the health of users and consumers, they do provide important livelihoods benefits and perishable food to cities. This paper through a cross country analysis of 53 cities in the developing world, provides an understanding of the factors that drive wastewater use.

This is a draft rapid environment impact assessment report for Salasar Steel & Power Ltd in Gerwani village, Ambikapur Road, Raigarh district, Chhattisgarh. The scope of work includes a detailed characterization of the environment in an area of 10 km radius of the plant for various environmental parameters like ar, water, noise, land, biological and social-economic aspects.

This is a rapid environment impact assessment report for the proposed mini integrated steel plant by M/s B.S. Sponge Private Limited in village Taraimal, Raigarh district, Chhattisgarh.
