In Februry a tribunal in Kirkenes, in Norway’s far north, ruled that oil extraction in the Barents Sea was illegal.

MEXICABLE, a cable-car line 4.9km (three miles) long, soars above Ecatepec, a poor suburb of Mexico City.

ON A vast building site on the southern coast of South Korea near its industrial heartland, the foundations of the country’s newest nuclear-power project are swaddled in protective tarpaulins.

DAWN in Bialowieza forest, and the bellowing of deer in rut competes with the buzz of chainsaws.

In June Christiana Figueres, the UN’s former climate chief who helped broker the Paris agreement in 2015, warned that the world has “three years to safeguard our climate”.

WILL HARRIS is one of the heroes of “Big Chicken”, a new book by Maryn McKenna that looks at the widespread use of antibiotics in poultry farming.

IF DEMOGRAPHY is destiny, as Auguste Comte, a French philosopher, once said, then China has many destinies.

“A DEFINING moment for the auto industry.” That is how usually restrained analysts at Sanford C.

There are few whose lives have not been touched by cancer. It cuts down friends, loved ones, siblings, spouses, parents and children. And it does so more than it used to.

For three days in early September Hurricane Irma ground through the eastern Caribbean like a bulldozer made out of wind and rain.
