This document by Reach Out Water Solutions (ROWS) highlights the daily reality of people living in the slums of Mumbai and the inadequate water supply available to the 10 million slum residents to meet their daily requirements.

This study is founded on the essential fact of climate science, that restricting carbon dioxide emissions to tolerable levels is essential to avoid the drastic and irreversible consequences of a global increase in temperatures beyond 2

The relatively lower reduction of poverty in Orissa, 0.2 percentage points per annum from 48.6% in 1993-94 to 46.4% in 2004-05, has been a matter of concern. The current exercise attempts to analyse whether part of the explanation lies in the state of affairs in agriculture. An analysis for 2004-05 shows that incidence of poverty is 47% for rural and 44% for urban Orissa.

Strategic Foresight Group proposes to examine the impact of water stress and climate change in Bangladesh, China, India and Nepal and explore collaborative solutions to prevent future crisis. This assumes significance in light of growing scarcity of water in India and China and future threats emanating from climate crisis for water scarcity and eco-systems in the entire region.

This P.I.L. raises many important questions which concern the health and security of the citizens and the security of the city of Mumbai and the environment. It is an admitted fact that the pipes carrying water from the source to Mumbai citizens are more than 100 years

Since Independence, an era marked largely by limited income and growth, the Government of India has been pursuing its policies for economic welfare with reference to a nutrition-based
subsistence norm. The concept and method of estimating poverty has come in for criticism in recent years in the context of economic policy reforms based on targeted policy interventions;

Cities in Maharashtra have been publishing Environmental Status Report (ESR) for last 12 years. These ESRs discuss the state of various natural resources and urban services and the environmental issues faced by respective cities. In order that the ESRs emerge as a more comprehensive document and play a

Cities in Maharashtra have been publishing Environmental Status Report (ESR) for last 12 years. This report concludes with strategies on how to strengthen the quality and use of ESRs for action planning and provides guidance on how to prepare ESRs as well as way ahead.

In the present scenario where the rains are delayed and most of Maharashtra has received very little rains, Mumbai will have to reduce its dependence on the adjacent districts for its water requirements. Moreover there is very little to no data available

This report is the product of a journalistic investigation on clinical trials. It set out to identify ethical concerns in clinical trials that were conducted in India and used for approval of new drugs in the European Union (EU).
