Human-leopard conflict is a complex issue influenced by political
and social attitudes, the biology of the species, and management
action. Effective management of conflict will have to strike a
balance between minimizing serious conflict (attacks on people)
and the long-term conservation of the leopard species. Although
the leopard is commoner and more resilient than other large cat
species that occur in India, it is poached in the largest numbers to meet the demand of the illegal wildlife trade. The leopard is very adaptable, and can live close to human habitations.

July 26, 2005 has gone down as a day no Mumbaikar will forget. A record 994 mm (37.2 inches) of rain within 24 hours, widespread flooding and the loss of lives and property, the virtual shutdown of the

Considering the multitude of pollution problems at Chandrapur, MPCB took a review of the current status of the pollution from various sources in December 2005. It was noticed during the review that the industrial and other activities at Chandrapur have extensively contributed to pollution and there is a considerable rise in the associated health problems in the local population.

This paper has three parts: 

Vanilla is a climbing terrestrial orchid grown in warm humid tropics. It is the second most expensive flavouring spice after saffron. Vanilla planifolia is the commercially grown variety. Growing of vanilla beans is quite complicated and labour intensive and its processing is a slow process requiring skills.

These are the guidelines issued by the Maharashtra Pollution Control Board for environment friendly immersion of idols.

This paper aims to analyse urban mobility patterns and consequent impacts on energy and environment in India. It investigate the quantity of energy use in 23 metropolitan regions for the period 1981

Presently India is facing the twin challenge of energy universalization as well as emission reduction. Nearly 0.4 billion people in India

The report, "Environmental and Energy Sustainability: An Approach for India", identified clean power and energy-efficiency measures as having the largest potential impact on emissions, with the capability to reduce CO2 output 28 to 34 per cent by 2030.

The India Energy Conclave 2007 would focus on the preparedness of the Indian energy sector to keep up with the rapidly growing Indian economy. It will focus on a wide range of topics of interest to stakeholders. It would cover both conventional and non-conventional energy and focus on policy, power, coal, gas and technology.
