With a view to assess the environmental impacts due to the proposed coal based power plant of 1320 MW in Raigarh district, JSWEl availed the services of M/s Vimta Labs ltd, Hyderabad to prepare EIA report for various environmental components including air, noise, water, land and biological components along with parameters of human interest which may be affected and to prepare an EMP for mitigating

This document contains the presentation by Anand B. Rao, IIT- Mumbai at National climate research conference, IIT Delhi, March 5-6, 2010 on CO2 Capture and Storage (CCS), relevant for India.

This document contains the presentation by Tejal Kanitkar, T.Jayaraman, and Mario D

This document contains the presentation by Gokul Iyer, on effect of climate change on energy demand: case study of IIT- Bombay, presented at National climate research conference, IIT Delhi, March 5-6, 2010.

Aerosols: Integrating an understanding of source-receptor relationships with climate forcing on regional scales a paper presented by Chandra Venkataraman at National climate research conference, IIT Delhi, March 5-6, 2010.

This document contains the presentation by Ajay Singh and Anand Patwardhan on significance of anthropogenic radiative forcings in simulation of temporal pattern of surface air temperature in monsoon climate, presented at National Climate Research Conference, IIT Delhi, March 5-6, 2010.

An effective financial assistance can play an important role in promotion of SWHS. The involvement of various stakeholders in the development and implementation of financing mechanisms and instruments is essential to understand the financial needs of different kinds of sectors and demand segments in India.

Various mining projects have been proposed in the Sindhudurg district of Maharashtra. The proposed mining area seeks to destroy about 200 sq km. in the Western Ghats part of the Sawantwadi and Dodamarg blocks of the district in the core of the northern Western Ghats.

Clinical research is an important aspect of universalising healthcare, enabling the development of better drugs, tests, vaccines, devices, surgical procedures and other medical interventions and protocols for their safer and more rational use. However, today it is viewed merely as a business investment with high returns.

Maharashtra state is one of the progressive states in the country. The state initiated Maharashtra Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MREGA) way back in 1972.
