This brief paper, identifies key elements for a successful and possible outcome in Copenhagen. These include a clear set of follow-on negotiations to complete a legally binding agreement.

This paper identifies the key elements needed to ensure enhanced action on technology transfer and development and then evaluates the approaches taken in major country positions. It finds a number of important convergences in these positions and

This matrix helps policymakers compare the National Climate Change plans of five developing countries: India, Brazil, China, Mexico and South Africa.

This report identifies entry points for mainstreaming ecosystem services in Multilateral Development Banks

This paper seeks to ground the debate on climate finance in an objective analysis of ongoing efforts to finance mitigation and adaptation in developing countries. The authors step back from the question of

This report discusses the successes and challenges to effective
regulation in China, outlining the major advances made in implementing effective energy efficiency programs in the past several years. These include targeted programs for both large and small enterprises, specific goals for government officials,

Nutrient over enrichment of freshwater and coastal ecosystems

Ecosystem services are the benefits that people derive from nature. Some benefits, such as crops, fish, and freshwater (provisioning services), are tangible. Others such as pollination, erosion regulation, climate regulation (regulating services) and aesthetic and spiritual fulfillment (cultural services) are less tangible.

Compiling greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions inventories is
no longer the province of only fi rst-mover corporations: Approximately two-thirds of Fortune 500 companies now use the
standards developed by the Greenhouse Gas Protocol

Compiling greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions inventories is
no longer the province of only fi rst-mover corporations: Approximately two-thirds of Fortune 500 companies now use the
standards developed by the Greenhouse Gas Protocol
