Agriculture scientists will be encouraged to develop new crop varieties to enhance the production of all crops meanwhile sale of unapproved seeds will not be accepted.

BHUBANESWAR: In a major boost to sustainable agriculture technology for soil management, the Agriculture Department has proposed to establish 20 new soil testing laboratories in the State.

Rothamsted's genetically engineered wheat should be allowed to grow. (Editorial)

CGIAR calls for a focus on the entire agricultural landscape as an integrated system, which recognizes that isolated solutions will not reduce risks or achieve required progress in the same way as integrated approaches will.

Agricultural research and innovation has been a major source of agricultural growth in developing countries.

Bt-maize is a transgenic variety of maize expressing the Cry toxin from Bacillus turingiensis. The potential accumulation of the relative effect of the transgenic modification and the cry toxin on the rhizobacterial communities of Bt-maize has been monitored over a period of four years.

The National Aeronautic and Space Administration, the US space research centre, is keen to carry out research on weather and climate in Bangladesh, the most vulnerable country to climate change.

In the present study an indigenous biopesticide formulation (BPF) comprising easily accessible botanicals along with cow urine, was evaluated for its efficacy against insect pests of tomato crop under field. BPF gave promising results in controlling tomato fruit borers and afforded substantial yield of the produce. The BPF treatment could control 70–80% of fruit borers compared to check plots, resulting in enhanced fruit yield of 35 tonnes/ha as compared to 15 tonnes/ha
in the check plots. The main aim of this study was to reduce the load of synthetic chemical pesticides and

Improvement in post-rainy sorghum grain yield has been a challenge with M 35-1, a landrace selection released in 1937 dominating the post-rainy (rabi) tracts. It led to stagnation of post-rainy sorghum yields until the importance of specific adaptation was realized in lieu of highly variable soil and climatic conditions of post-rainy growing regions. As a result, Phule Maulee and of late Phule Chitra were released for regions of Maharashtra with medium soil depth.

Radiation and chemical-induced mutation and subsequent use in recombination breeding at Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) has resulted in the release of 39 improved crop varieties in oilseeds an
