Hong Kong has long preferred to blame its smoggy skies on polluting factories just over the border in mainland China.

It seems like Singapore’s billion-dollar green investments have paid off.

Many air pollutants emitted by industries are site specific. Methyl mercaptan is one such site specific air pollutant suspected in the neighbourhood of SIPCOT Industrial Estate, Cuddalore, Tamil Nadu.

The municipal solid waste (MSW) generated from different activities from various localities and a township in city areas is subject of deep concern for its proper management. The improper management of MSW is a major cause of air pollution. Present research deals with air quality parameter like SPM, RSPM, SO2 and NO2 in surrounding areas of MSW dump site Maihar district, Satna (M.P.).

Hong Kong has decided to come clean with data on a dangerous form of air pollution, a month and a half after Beijing, a city with smoggier skies and a murkier approach to statistics, did the same.

Non-completion of the Western and Eastern Peripheral Expressway to divert traffic of heavy vehicles is costing the national Capital’s health dearly.

In a blow to SAIL’s efforts for raw material security, a high level committee of the Union environment ministry has refused to accord green clearances for the steel major’s three key iron ore mines

China's heavily polluted capital, Beijing, plans to reduce air pollution levels by 15 percent by 2015 and 30 percent by 2020 through phasing out old cars, relocating factories and planting new fore

The overall environmental performance is improving in Sri Lanka and it has been ranked as a moderate performer, according to the 2012 Environmental Performance Index (EPI) released during the World

India has the worst air quality in the world, beating even its neighbour China, according to an annual survey based at Yale and Columbia universities in the United States.
