Sheep are the gift to dryland farmers by nature which can yield returns within 1.5 years of investment, says Veerakempanna. Veerakempanna of Anoor village in Chikkabalapur district, like any other dryland farmer in Karnataka, unable to meet the ends with dryland farming alone, was
supplementing his income by rearing some local breeds of sheep.

Farmers in mixed crop-livestock systems produce about half of the world

In a first of its kind initiative, the Municipal Corporation of Ghaziabad plans to tackle the problem of cattle dung choking the city drainage system by sending its vehicles for door-to-door collection of the waste. The waste will then be used to generate biogas under the cowdung waste management plan, officials said.

Farmers in mixed crop-livestock systems produce about half of the world

China is the world's largest user of synthetic fertilizer, consuming 36% of the global total. As a result, China's farmers have exceeded soil needs, causing nitrates to accumulate and create serious pollution problems. And the hunger for nitrogen has added to China's energy and greenhouse gas emissions: In the atmosphere, those nitrates form nitrous oxide, a potent warming gas.

During the day, Amanjeet Gill is a diplomat, tall, urbane and well travelled. But on weekends, 41-year-old Gill becomes a farmer. He is the driving force behind a non-profit called the Farmer

An experiment was conducted during 2005-06 and 2006-07 in the Division of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Khalsa College, Amritsar to study the effect of combined used of farmyard manure and poultry manure with 75, 100 and 125 per cent NPK on productivity, nutrient uptake and profitability of autumn potato.

Munia Devi and her son Bholua look forward to the world-famous cattle fair that takes place here every year. They can't afford to buy any animal, but they make a neat packet selling elephant dung.

Elephant dung is known as the poor man's mosquito repellant. When burnt, it gives out a pungent smoke that keeps mosquitoes away.

Scottish government has given a farmer

Going green starts from the top, and in the Capital the President
