This publication explores how climate change adaptation can be integrated into decentralized governance processes to address root causes of vulnerability in Asia and the Pacific.

This working paper explores the benefits and trade-offs of harnessing private sector health services as governments look to build more resilient, accessible, and affordable health systems and support the post-pandemic recovery.

As the Asia-Pacific region grows increasingly urbanized, the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 11 is a comprehensive and action-oriented blueprint for advancing sustainable cities and communities. It proposes to readdress how plan, finance, develop, govern and manage cities and human settlements in line with the New Urban Agenda.

The Asia-Pacific region has made considerable progress on improving economic and social welfare over the last decade. Water resources have contributed greatly to this transformation through water and sanitation hygiene (WASH), provision of basic services, agricultural expansion, food security and nutrition, and ecosystem services.

Across the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the greatest progress made in the Asia-Pacific region has been towards Goal 7. There has been considerable success in providing electricity access to urban and rural populations. South and South-West Asia performed exceptionally on electricity access, which helped accelerate progress on SDG 7.

This report shows how smart trade and investment policies, and regulatory cooperation in the Asia and Pacific region can help economies tackle climate change, recover from the pandemic, and support resilient and sustainable development.

More than at any time in the history, climate change is having an increasingly unprecedented effect on human lives. Economies are affected severely in terms of sovereign risk due to climate change variations influencing the macroeconomy. Asian countries are highly susceptible to economic downturn due to the consequences of climate change.

Climate-driven injustice is a significant economic and social concern associated with transition towards net-zero future, and that requires global and domestic environmental policies to be more sustainable and socially just.

This report presents case studies that highlight how ADB's teams are working together to design innovative urban projects across the Asia and Pacific region that leverage its value-added services and support sustainable economic growth.

This report presents an overview on the impact of the global food crisis on the Asia Pacific region, with a focus on the impact on food security, nutrition, and the capacity of key actors to respond.
