Plants with rising atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) level in the environment may change their nutrient demands to sustain growth. The mechanisms concerning iron dynamics in plants under the interactive effect of salinity and elevated CO2 are poorly understood. This study examines the effects of long-term as well as short-term growth at elevated CO2 and salt on iron deficiency-associated molecular responses of Porteresia coarctata through analysing the transcript expression of iron deficiency-responsive genes in the leaf tissue.

This study provides evidence of substantial increases in atmospheric ammonia (NH3) concentrations (14 year) over several of the worlds major agricultural regions, using recently available retrievals from the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) aboard NASA’s Aqua satellite. The main sources of atmospheric NH3 are farming and animal husbandry involving reactive nitrogen ultimately derived from fertilizer use; rates of emission are also sensitive to climate change. Significant increasing trends are seen over the U.S. (2.61% yr

A simultaneous analysis of 13 years of remotely sensed data of land cover, fires, precipitation, and aerosols from the MODIS, TRMM, and MISR satellites and the AERONET network over Southeast Asia is performed, leading to a set of robust relationships between land-use change and fire being found on inter-annual and intra-annual scales over Southeast Asia, reflecting the heavy amounts of anthropogenic influence over land-use change and fires in this region of the world.

Power stations, ships and air traffic are among the most potent greenhouse gas emitters and are primarily responsible for global warming. Iron salt aerosols (ISAs), composed partly of iron and chloride, exert a cooling effect on climate in several ways. This article aims firstly to examine all direct and indirect natural climate cooling mechanisms driven by ISA tropospheric aerosol particles, showing their cooperation and interaction within the different environmental compartments.

Reconstructing the history of tropical hydroclimates has been difficult, particularly for the Amazon basin—one of Earth’s major centres of deep atmospheric convection. For example, whether the Amazon basin was substantially drier or remained wet during glacial times has been controversial, largely because most study sites have been located on the periphery of the basin, and because interpretations can be complicated by sediment preservation, uncertainties in chronology, and topographical setting.

Understanding the sources and evolution of aerosols is crucial for constraining the impacts that aerosols have on a global scale. An unanswered question in atmospheric science is the source and evolution of the Antarctic aerosol population.

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Ultraviolet (UV) radiations from the Sun in the spectral range 100-280 nm react with the stratospheric atmosphere, and oxygen molecules (O2) and atoms (O) combine to produce ozone (O3). Since there are destruction processes also, the equilibrium amount is small, only a few percent of the atmosphere. However, it serves a very vital, useful purpose as it absorbs UV in the spectral range 280-320 nm (termed as UVB), which is very dangerous for terrestrial life and is a cause of skin cancer, etc.

The electric field and Maxwell current density measured below 32 small isolated thunderstorms over Pune (India) have been analyzed here. These data clearly show the presence of 10 out of 32 thunderstorms with inverted polarity charge structure. Values of Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) on thunderstorm days taken from MODIS show that all the thunderstorms with inverted polarity occurred on days with significantly higher AOD compared to normal polarity thunderstorms. The peak flash rate did not show significant difference between normal polarity thunderstorms and inverted polarity thunderstorms.

The Arctic continues to amaze.

Researchers in the United States have found that local experiences and temperatures drive belief or non-belief of people in climate change.
