The European Union's climate and energy strategy for 2030 will not include a specific target on curbing emissions from transport, the fastest growing source of greenhouse gases in the bloc and the

Global energy demand continues to grow but that growth is slowing and will mainly be driven by emerging economies - led by China and India - according to the latest edition of the BP Energy Outlook 2035.

This study examines factors that determine the adoption and continued production of Jatropha in plantations in North East India. The study is based on a sample of 144 current-farmers, 137 previous-farmers, and 145 non-growers of Jatropha in the states of Assam and Arunachal Pradesh.

The study estimates carbon impacts of bioenergy from ten biomass feedstock harvesting pathways feeding into three different production pathways. The harvesting pathways include forestry, agricultural residue, and dedicated energy crops.

REmap 2030 is a roadmap to double the share of renewable energy by 2030, and is the first study of global renewable energy potential to be based on data from official governmental sources.

EU energy ministers on Thursday failed to agree on a compromise deal to limit the use of transport fuels made from food crops, which critics say pushes up food prices and can do more harm than good

British documents suggests biofuels should count towards both renewable energy and transport targets to save money

Though the government is promoting micro hydel power plants near Kukke Subrahmanya with subsidies for those that are above 25 mega watts and waiving the requirement of environmental clearance, they

Britain has proposed a way to lower the European Union's 2020 target for renewable energy by counting the contribution from biofuels twice, avoiding the need for billions of euros in investment, a

The world will need 70 percent more food, as measured by calories, in order to feed a global population of 9.6 billion people in 2050 finds this new report by UNEP, UNDP, WRI and the World Bank. Also provides solutions to close the food gap by reducing excessive consumption.
