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The Caribbean region’s Small Island Developing States (SIDS) face considerable threats from climate change, and considerable costs to cope with and adapt to climate impacts that exceed their financial capacity.

Incorporating climate risk management into infrastructure planning and design is critical to building societal resilience and protecting economic growth.

CDKN’s flagship book, Mainstreaming Climate Compatible Development, draws from the alliance’s seven year experience of supporting climate compatible development in Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean.

This policy brief discusses climate impacts on the agricultural and tourism sectors in the Caribbean and the need for investment to build climate resilience. Climate impacts are already reversing economic growth, exacerbating poverty and undermining the future prosperity of Caribbean countries.

This information brief discusses how policy and governance arrangements at the national level are vital for climate adaptation in the Caribbean. Local action is important but is insufficient in isolation. This report presents two tools, CCORAL and ARIA, to help address adaptation planning.

Caribbean coral reefs have transformed into algal-dominated habitats over recent decades, but the mechanisms of change are unresolved due to a lack of quantitative ecological data before large-scale human impacts. To understand the role of reduced herbivory in recent coral declines, we produce a high-resolution 3,000 year record of reef accretion rate and herbivore (parrotfish and urchin) abundance from the analysis of sediments and fish, coral and urchin subfossils within cores from Caribbean Panama.

Islands are ideal systems to model temporal changes in biodiversity and reveal the influence of humans on natural communities. Although theory predicts biodiversity on islands tends towards an equilibrium value, the recent extinction of large proportions of island biotas complicates testing this model. The well-preserved subfossil record of Caribbean bats—involving multiple insular radiations—provides a rare opportunity to model diversity dynamics in an insular community.

Countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America and the Caribbean urgently need financial support to green their power sectors and thereby implement their national climate action plans under the Paris Climate Change Agreement.

The region of Latin America and the Caribbean can boast a successful track record in the process of eradicating hunger: it is the only region in the world that has halved both the proportion of people who suffer from hunger (the target set in the Millennium Development Goals) and their absolute number (the target set at the World Food Summit of

One out of every five Latin Americans—about 130 million people—have never known anything but poverty, subsisting on less than US$4 a day throughout their lives. These are the region's chronically poor, who have remained so despite unprecedented inroads against poverty in Latin America and the Caribbean since the turn of the century.
