As financing for climate change adaptation in developing countries begins to flow, it is essential that the governance of funding at the global and country level be shaped so that the needs of the most vulnerable can be met. The core issue is country-level ownership of adaptation finance.

This paper presents new approaches, methods and adaptation strategies that can be developed in order to address the climate change phenomena, which increasingly affect livelihood systems of vulnerable small scale farmer societies worldwide.

Impacts of climate change are visible in Bangladesh in the form of temperature extremes, erratic rainfall, and increased number of floods, cyclones, droughts, and increasing prevalence of rough weather in the Bay.

The United Nations Development Programme has estimated that Bangladesh

The Windy City is preparing for a heat wave

With more than half the world’s population now living in urban areas and with much of the world still urbanizing, there are concerns that urbanization is a key driver of unsustainable resource demands. Urbanization also appears to contribute to ever-growing levels of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

Statement by India at the Ministerial Roundtable during CSD-19 on the 10 Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Development.

THE problems climate change looks likely to bring in the future may increasingly be visible in the records of the past.

Global policies and instruments to tackle climate change look very different once translated into domestic programmes of action, reflecting varied institutional capacity, competing priorities, and diverse political cultures and political economies. In light of these variations, this article analyses how clean energy is governed in India, both through and beyond the Clean Development Mechanism. Governance processes are assessed across a number of scales, including various actors involved in mobilising finance and providing political and institutional support for clean energy.

The recent climate change adaptation efforts in Nepal will not achieve significant results in delivering timely support to vulnerable communities unless the government makes vigorous efforts to implement National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA), warns a new Oxfam report.

The report that deals with the governance of climate change adaptation financing in Nepal examines the national situati
