The rapid growth in motor vehicle ownership and activity in India is causing a wide range of serious health, environmental, socio-economic, and resource use impacts, even as it provides mobility to millions, and contributes to employment and the economy. The loss of accessibility for pedestrians is one of the most important of these negative impacts, which remains neglected by policy.

Paul John & Kumar Manish | TNN
No matter how much Delhi

View image India, China get WHO top ranking for traffic accident deaths Road accidents will become the fifth leading cause of death in the world by 2030. Highlights of the report on 178 countries Over 1.2 million people die and 20-50 million get injured in road accidents every year The number may

Riding the vogue for eco-conscious products, companies ranging from battery to tire to motorcycle makers in Japan are looking to cultivate a market that beats even hybrid cars in green credentials: electric bicycles.

With the economic growth and rapid urbanization there has been a sharp increase in urban transport requirements. The author, who has considerable experience in transport infrastructure, brings out that one of the options is optimisation of the right way of roads with the objective of maximizing passenger trips instead of vehicle trips.

In a unique experiment, British scientists on Tuesday turned pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles into mobile wireless sensors to measure air and noise pollution.

Heather Allen looks at issues related to sustainable development at the International Association of Public Transport, Brussels. Pradip Saha caught up with her on issues topical to her work.

Heather Allen looks at issues related to sustainable development at the International Association of Public Transport, Brussels. Pradip Saha caught up with her on issues topical to her work. Excerpts

Nagpur cops say it
