Understanding local attitudes towards human

The Guidelines further stress that indigenous peoples

The report titled

United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific "the wide- ranging Yearbook is the region

Pune Suzlon Energy Limited, the world

Barely 10 per cent of India

The quality of life is usually measured by three interrelated dimensions such as the human development index, the human freedom index, and the human distress profile. In Kerala, in spite of high HDI, the rates of suicide, crime, drug addiction, unemployment, etc, are high compared to other states.

GUWAHATI, March 26

Main opposition party, that till recently maintained that economic populism is anti-welfare, is going all out on populist announcements in its manifesto SAFFRON PARTY GOES AN EXTRA STEP TO DENT CONGRESS

Scientists drawn from both developing and developed countries have to bring out locally relevant renewable energy solutions
