The Great Barrier Reef (GBR) provides a globally significant demonstration of the effectiveness of large-scale networks of marine reserves in
contributing to integrated, adaptive management.

This new TEEB study showcases the economic value of forests, freshwater, soils and coral reefs & calls for wider recognition of nature’s contribution to human livelihoods, health and security by the decision-makers.

This preview of the forthcoming Green Growth, Resources and Resilience report highlights the shifts that have taken place in the outlook for the Asian and Pacific region since 2005. While
the region

The UN Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) and Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) have released a publication titled

In the prevalent world view, the ecology is perceived as a subset of the economy where intense state interventions and ideological scaffoldings are needed to sustain this rule of capital. However, this order of things seems to be changing where the economy is now, increasingly, being perceived as a subset of the ecology.

Factoring the planet's multi-trillion dollar ecosystem services into policy-making can help save cities and regional authorities money while boosting the local economy, enhancing quality of life, securing livelihoods and generating employment according to this study released by TEEB for Local and Regional Policy Makers at the biodiversity conference in Ghent, Belgium. 

This report by the CEECEC project aims to provide a blueprint for capacity building activities for collaborative research between civil society organisations (CSOs) and researchers working on issues of environmental conflict.

This handbook is a draft stand-alone toolkit for teaching and learning ecological economics through front-line activist experience and knowledge. Is the product of collaborative efforts between environmental activists and ecological economists from around the world belonging to the CEECEC network.

This 17 nation survey on consumer behavior and environmental impact by National Geographic & Globescan revealed that environmentally friendly behaviour in 10 of 17 countries has increased and India has the most sustainable consumption pattern.

Santiago was one of the first cities outside the OECD to implement a tradable permit program to control air pollution. This article looks closely at the program
