An electric vehicle (EV) battery uses up just 30kg of raw materials with recycling compared to the 17,000 litres of petrol burned by the average car. That’s according to a new study that shows Europe’s current crude oil dependency far outweighs its need for battery raw materials.

Reducing pressures from agriculture is key to improving the status of Europe’s rivers, lakes, transitional, coastal waters and seas as well as groundwater bodies.

The European Commission adopted today a new EU Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change, setting out the pathway to prepare for the unavoidable impacts of climate change. While the EU does everything within its power to mitigate climate change, domestically and internationally, it must also get ready to face its unavoidable consequences.

The EEA has addressed the consequences of climate change in numerous reports, including Climate change, impacts and vulnerability in Europe 2016, the 2019 report Climate change adaptation in the agriculture sector in Europe and the European environment — state and outlook 2020 report.

Sustainable transport and mobility are key to tackle the climate crisis and to achieve the targets of the European Green Deal. However, transport today accounts for nearly 30 percent of the CO₂ emissions within the European Union.

The consequences of COVID-19 will shape European policies and politics for years to come. Already before the pandemic, the European Union (EU) was facing difficulties in implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and making progress on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The monitoring of on-board fuel consumption metering (OBFCM) data is aimed at preventing a growing gap between the certified and real-world CO2 emissions from trucks. This can only be achieved, however, if regulation mandates a certain accuracy for the OBFCM methods in real-world operation.

The WHO Regional Office for Europe published guidance on heat–health action planning in 2008, and intends to update this to include the latest evidence. An in-depth review was initiated, based on recent epidemiological and environmental research and lessons learned from implementation in practice.

Renewable electricity, specifically wind power and solar photovoltaic (PV), has become the most economical sources of electricity in many parts of the world.

Renewables overtook fossil fuels to become the EU’s main source of electricity for the first time in 2020. This report compiles and analyses the full-year 2020 electricity generation of every EU country, tracking Europe’s electricity transition.
