Sri Lanka pulls the plug on exports

jn-nurm gets a chair: The Union ministry of urban development has appointed Ramesh Ramanathan, founder of Janaagraha, a citizens' movement on participatory democracy, as the honorary national

Energy cooperation in South Asia presents tremendous potential for the development of regional resources in an integrated manner by exploiting the complementarities and optimal utilisation of available resources. Much will depend on how South Asia benefits from its proximity to south western and central Asia to meet its gas and oil needs.

Rampant illegal iron ore mining in Karnataka s Bellary district

It is an obvious business risk for a farmer to give up growing conventional crops that have assured returns and start growing medicinal plants. But the book under review shows precisely how to reduce such risk; indeed, such risk is entirely justified. Wri

The Sensex stock index has risen by 75 per cent since April this year. The rupee is at a three year high. Global investment analysts Goldman Sachs predict that India is the fastest growing of the

A recent study in the US shows that by 2004, over 315 million computers will become obsolete. By 2005, for every single computer an American buys, one will be discarded

How negotiations on issues moved, or didn’t

What of the Doha round? What of the WTO itself?

Collapse of the former Soviet market and an indifferent attitude to quality clips Nilgiris tea industry
